Monday, August 19, 2024

The Clearest 515nm Green Laser Line Generator

515nm green laser line generator

In those of industrial and high tech precise line positioning work fields, no matter line alignment work is processing at close or long distance, it should be the best chance for users to operate a high brightness device of a 515nm green laser line generator. Usually line generation with this laser device gets no limitation by long distance, high height and other hard reaching places etc. Any time this green laser module is mounting properly onto those of industrial machine or device, within quite long work distance and other high lighting working occasion etc, it brings users quite easy reaching, good direction and long lasting line generation at long extending distance effectively. 

The basic use of a 515nm green laser line generator just gets no relying on any manual labor force input, thus it applies an import 515nm green laser diode within 5mW to 50mW as its beam emitting source. The basic use of a metal heat sink cooling system gets even better thermal emitting than a formal air or water cooling system. In those of industrial and high tech precise line positioning work fields, unless it is pointing under sunlight, this 515nm green line laser enables correct use of output power and proper line indication within the longest work distance of 25 meters and other high lighting working occasions as well.

Being made with a qualified glass coated lens within wide fan angles, this 515nm green laser line generator is working well with ultra high fineness and high linear quality forest green line projection within 0.5 meter to 6 meters line lengths. It gets wide fan angles of 10 to 110 degree. At the same time, after its proper mounting onto any other industrial device or equipment, within freely installed distance of 3 meters, this 515nm green laser module brings users quite nice line alignment experience for multiple work fields, including laser cutting, saw mill, lumber machine, laser car wheel alignment system, laser medical therapy and high tech work etc. 

Within quite long work distance and multiple lighting occasions etc, with the assistance of a laser alignment mounting bracket, this 515nm green laser line generator enables quite easy carrying, good direction and no barrier green line indication onto any vertical or horizontal surface. The unique use of adjustable focus optic lens enables highly concentrated green laser light emission, and increasing accuracy and brightness green line projection at even longer distance and higher lighting occasion etc. Only if users are taking active laser safety measure and wearing proper 515nm wavelength preventing laser safety glasses, this alignment laser still makes easy, free and secured measurement for all working occasions effectively.