Friday, May 8, 2015

High Concentricity Green Dot Laser Alignment

In modern time industrial machinery processing industry, more and more working fields are required high level of accuracy and precision dot generation in operation. As a result, those of traditional used dot measurements such as sticker, laser pointer or human own fingers are gradually substituted by green dot laser alignment. This dot projecting alignment laser makes use of the most advanced 532nm green laser diode technology. It has extremely high laser beam concentricity, as a result, it is just able to help workers the most accurate and precise dot generation on all working surfaces efficiently and successfully.
green alignment laser pointer

532nm green laser is very special laser wavelength. It has quite special laser beam emitting transverse mode of TEM00. Thus whatever kind of dot generating working fields, it can just project a totally round green light spot on targeting surfaces. In addition, this green laser alignment also gets superiority of extremely high beam concentricity. When users are moving this dot generating green laser alignment within 3 meters working distance, the green dot has quite small and not obvious light spot shape change. The changing size of green dot emitting from this 532nm green laser alignment is perfectly controlled within 1mm or even smaller. As a result, this dot generating alignment laser has just brought workers the best dot generation result on all working surfaces efficiently and successfully.
In order to help workers make easy selection of this green dot laser alignment, users have just made general test. Within 1 meter working distance, the size of emitting green dot is always controlled within 1mm to 2mm. Commonly it is quite easy to obtain 1.5mm light spot in use. In addition, users should also pay high attention to real targeting distance from the light emitting hole of this green laser alignment to working surfaces. The acceptable maximum targeting distance should not exceed 25 meters. If targeting distance is very longer than expected, the targeting green dot will become very dim in distance. In such long working distance, the light spot size can reach 8mm to 10mm. As a result, if users have extremely strict requirement of size of green dot, users should try to control the targeting distance greatly so as to obtain the best dot generation result from this alignment laser efficiently.
Besides its accurate and precise dot generation on required working surfaces, majority of the time green laser alignment is being required to make continuous dot generation in various industrial working fields. This advanced dot generating alignment laser is always being equipped with dedicated DC input power supply. In whatever kind of dot positioning working fields, this dot measurement tool has just maintained strong ability of high stability and high reliability. While it is being adjusted and installed on proper working places, it will always provide users the best alignment laser pointer generation result on all working surfaces successfully and efficiently.

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