Saturday, October 26, 2019

Industrial Stabilized 445nm Blue Line Laser Alignment

In any working occasion where users are trying to make highly clear line projection at quite long work distance, not the same as a quite simple laser pointer device, laser tech engineer is making great technical innovation of 445nm blue line laser alignment. It is generating a modifying laser light in type of a highly straight blue reference line from beam aperture. When laser line generator is selected with correct output power and optic lens degree, it is always able to work with highly clear and fine line instruction on any raw material surfaces efficiently.
blue line laser alignment
This blue line laser alignment is only projecting moderate brightness blue laser light from 445nm blue laser diode. It is not as bright as a 473nm blue DPSS laser system, however, this direct diode emission laser line module is not only achieving even more stable and reliable performance, but also getting quite low production cost. Although it is employing 445nm blue laser diode as its beam emitting source, beginning with high power up to 50mW to 100mW, however, it is only able to be made with 9V DC power supply and achieving bright enough blue reference line in continuous work.
Usually the genuine line projecting work is processed on different working distance and working environments. It is required to maintain good beam stability in continuous work. Laser tech engineer is designing blue line laser alignment with the most durable structure of aircraft used aluminum alloy housing tube. In addition, after production of this line laser module, there is also quite strict laser beam stability tests. A series of strict tests, including super rapid electric current adding, alternative high and low temperature changing test and up to 24 hours aging preventing test, it is always maintaining excellent laser light cycling use and long serving lifetime in proper use.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointed, owing to freely selected optic lens degree within 10 to 110 degree, selected from glass coated lens or separate crystal lens, blue line laser alignment is achieving various line length and line thickness in continuous work. This industrial stabilized alignment laser enables basic measurement and experiment, within freely installed distance of 3 meters, it is making quite convenient and immediate blue reference line projection in continuous work. Only if users are paying special attention to powerful thermal energy up to 50mW, only after proper wearing of laser safety goggles, it gets secured line alignment constantly.

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