Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Long Time Lasting 520nm Green Line Laser Module

 Whenever 520nm green line laser module is applying for any industrial and high tech line alignment work fields, it is not workable at all to only adopt quite similar line printing or line drawing work. However, after constant technical innovation of 520nm forest green laser diode tech and qualified optic lens with different fan angle, it is able to work extremely intense and powerful forest green laser beam emission, and highly clear forest green line alignment at various work distances. Any time compact structure made green laser line generator gets correct installation and adjustment, it just achieves highly precise and quick response line alignment in all occasions.

520nm green line laser module

This 520nm green line laser module makes excellent use of import 520nm green laser diode as beam emitting source. It is not only used for temporary positioning work, but requiring to work with highly stable forest green line alignment in continuous use. It gets wide range output power of 5mW to 50mW, besides its basic use of inner cooling system, it is also getting different size tube diameter. After correct design with 16mm and 26mm diameter aluminum alloy housing tube, only if it gets excellent thermal emitting, this forest green laser line generator achieves highly stable and reliable forest green reference line projection onto different work surfaces.

Under high attention to highly precise and fine line alignment onto multiple targeting surfaces, 520nm green line laser module employs the best quality separate crystal lens. It projects non Gaussian distribution forest green laser beam, and highly uniform forest green line up to 85%. Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, green laser line generator is available with the same brightness from middle part towards both ends, thus always assuring the highest level of accuracy line indication at various work distance and all lighting occasions.

According to basic measurement and experiment of technical data, 520nm green line laser module just gets correct selection of output power and fan angle. At the same time, every time this compact size laser gets proper adjustment of laser beam focus, it achieves desired alignment laser line thickness and no mistake line alignment onto all working surfaces. Whenever high power green laser is selecting up to 30mW to 50mW, after high attention to any thermal energy hurt to human eyes and correct wearing of laser safety glasses, it obtains no mistake and no danger line alignment in all application fields perfectly.

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