Monday, July 10, 2023

What is a good job with a 445nm blue laser diode module?

 Whatever kind of working surface users are in need of clear dot alignment, even though it is processing onto different working surfaces, however, it is still the only one and the best choice for users to use an intense beam 445nm blue laser diode module. It is working well with highly visible blue laser light emission from a 445nm blue laser diode. On the basis of advanced use of a qualified optic lens and import laser diode inside durable metal housing tube, not relying on any manual labor force input or prior dot positioning work, this dot laser alignment just brings users easy reaching, good direction and high precision blued dot indication at various work distances constantly. 

445nm blue laser diode module

Owing to the use of an import 445nm blue laser diode and metal heat sink cooling system design, this 445nm blue laser diode module is always workable with superior nice thermal emitting than a simple blue laser pointer. It is achieving good laser beam stability of up to 85% under constant work time of 8 to 10 hours per day. It is available with high power range of 50mW, 80mW and 100mW, which is not as bright as a 473nm blue DPSS laser system. However, owing to its direct laser light emission from inner laser diode, this blue dot laser is always working well with highly reliable dot indication in constant use.

According to easy use of an AC/DC adapter, after accepting wide range electric current of 100V to 240V, this industrial stabilized 445nm blue laser diode module is applicable for various working environments. When it makes correct use of operating voltage of 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply, it is keeping work with highly powerful blue laser light generation at several miles, and the clearest blue dot projection as long as 25 meters. On the basis of its charming and attractive blue laser light emission, this blue dot laser is also making good job for laser show, laser displaying, laser communication, optical instrument and high tech work etc.

Within freely installed distance of 3 meters, not limited by long distance, high height and other complex working occasion etc, this 445nm blue laser diode module always makes the most convenient installation and the easiest reaching of blue dot projection in distance. It enables freely adjusted laser beam focus and dot emitting direction within three dimensions, thus alignment laser always makes increasing accuracy and brightness blue dot measurement at even longer work distance. According to high attention to thermal energy hurt to eyes and proper wearing of laser safety goggles, without any eye exposure to laser beam aperture, this alignment laser brings users easy and secured dot generation perfectly.

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