Thursday, June 20, 2019

Review of Non Gaussian Beam 445nm Blue Line Laser Module

No matter what kind of industrial and high tech line alignment work fields, in order to get the clearest line generation, none of manual or mechanical line measuring tool can be comparable with 445nm blue line laser module. It is emitting the most intense and powerful blue laser light from 445nm blue laser diode directly. After perfect equipment with separate crystal lens and perfect thermal emitting system, this industrial stabilized laser line generator obtains highly stable and reliable blue reference line projection in distance effectively. After quite easy adjustment of blue line thickness and line targeting direction, it is always making easy and no mistake line generation immediately.
445nm blue line laser module
This 445nm blue line laser module is generating moderate brightness blue laser light from laser beam aperture. It is not as bright as 473nm blue DPSS laser, however, it is gaining even more stable performance and much lower production cost. When it is getting connect with DC input power supply, within wide range output power of 50mW to 100mW, this laser line generator keeps work with quite charming and attractive blue laser light from laser beam aperture. Every time it is getting quite easy adjustment of blue line thickness and line targeting direction, this alignment laser assures quite satisfied line projection for laser show, laser displaying, military targeting, laser medical therapy and other high tech work fields etc.
Whenever blue line laser module is equipped with qualified separate crystal lens, even though it is pointed at quite long work distance, it is keeping work with non Gaussian distribution blue laser light from beam aperture. Blue alignment laser line is keeping the same line brightness from middle part towards both ends, which is always keeping the clearest line projection at quite long distance and getting no appearance of laser light decay or blur in continuous work. The genuine blue laser line alignment is allowing operation within the maximum work distance of 25 meters, which is still keeping highly clear line projection with super fine line thickness in use.
Without serious relying on manual labor force and professional skills, after quite easy connect with a DC input power supply, this non Gaussian beam distribution blue line laser module keeps work with continuous blue line projection. With the assistance of laser alignment mounting bracket, under easy adjustment of blue line thickness and line targeting direction within three dimensions, this alignment laser ensures quite satisfied line projection in distance. Whenever users are paying special attention to powerful blue light and thermal energy, after proper wearing of laser safety goggles, this industrial stabilized blue line laser ensures easy and free measurement perfectly.

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