Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Most Intense Light 445nm Blue Crosshair Laser Module

In process of the most accurate cross line alignment at quite long work distance, it is not helpful at all to only use formal manual cross line printing from square meter, blocking board or triangular meter etc. In addition, laser tech engineer is also paying special attention to development of practically used cross line alignment tool, such as 445nm blue crosshair laser module. It is getting totally different experience from a simple blue laser pointer. According to specially equipment of glass coated lens with selected optic lens degree and output power, it is becoming a genuine quality cross line aligning device for any type of industrial and high tech cross line alignment works.
445nm blue crosshair laser module
In any precise device manufacturing work fields, 445nm blue crosshair laser module is in need to generate different dimension cross line source in use. According to the use of qualified glass coated lens with different lens degree of 10, 15 and 110 degree, usually it is obtaining different cross line length within 0.5 meter to 6 meters. Whatever kind of working surface it is pointed, only if users are getting enough information of cross line length, thickness and work distance from beam aperture, after proper measurement and experiment by laser tech engineers, this cross laser alignment tool gets correct recommendation of output power and glass lens degree until achieving quite satisfied measurement constantly.
In multiple industrial and high tech cross line alignment work fields, 445nm blue crosshair laser module would also be used under those of complex working environments. For instance, when it is pointed for military targeting, laser displaying and laser show, blue cross line alignment would be used under quite complex working environments. After the selection of high duration aircraft used aluminum alloy housing tube, this compact structure made blue cross laser module enables quite easy and convenient installation and adjustment. Even though it is applied for quite wide range operating temperature, blue cross line targeting is still keeping perfect performance and quite long serving lifetime in continuous use.
According to the design with electric wires extension for both 445nm blue crosshair laser module and DC input power supply, within wide installation distance of 0.3 meter to 3 meters, blue cross line source is quite easy to reach any targeting surface, and also leaving no track on raw material surface. Under constant blue light and thermal energy producing from laser beam aperture, human eyes and skins might be seriously hurt. When users are avoiding eye exposure to beam aperture and wearing professional laser safety goggles, this industrial stabilized blue cross laser gets highly clear and safe measurement perfectly. 

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